Crónica Valenciana - "Rodin en Valencia"
Mauricio Saenz
As an in-between-crónicas, I thought it would nice to share with you some images of the outdoors exhibit "Rodin en Valencia" and end this year showing you the work of this master artist that I was lucky to see. Though these pictures were taken late November, I can tell you this exhibit will be up until January and that it has been a pleasure for thousands of people to admire Rodin's work, among them his masterpiece "The Thinker," as it has been accessible to everyone due to its outdoors condition plus being placed in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Valencia's main public spot. Again, wish Brownsville could have something like this, at least with sculptors from the area. For a better 2010 to come. Saludos a todos desde Valencia y que el 2010 sea un poco mejor que este que acaba y que el movimiento artístico en el área crezca por medio del trabajo de gente con mentalidad positiva, energía, e iniciativa, y que las palabras absurdas de la gente que solo se queja regresen de donde salieron, del caño.

They are Not Negative Comments, just Critical and Constructive Feedback, That's The Only way to Move Forward, by Exposing Everything In Art and in Society in general..Enough With all This
" Brainwashing ", Wake Up please !!!
I'm not talking about the constructive criticism but all these nonsense comments that just make us waste our time. I'm for all kinds of feedback when they leave something to learn and think about.
Very True, Please We need Your feedback, Comments... Do Not be afraid to Speak Up " El Que No Habla, Dios No Lo Escucha " !!!
Mauricio " MO" Saenz , You are Very ans Sop Lucky To Be In Spain... If I Was You, I will never return to this Forgotten Ejido...Seriously !!!
Absolutely amazing! I can see students sketching the sculptures at every angle,or visiting the work at different times of the day
to see how light and shadow work with the form. Brownsville, as well as other valley cities need
sculpture in public areas.
It would be great to see kids running around colossal forms or families taking pictures every year near artwork. I would like to see installations along the expressway or when I enter the public library. Art should be be very acessible, for rich, poor, young, and old.
J. Miller
Keep on Dreaming...You'll Better see WICC and Food Stamps Rallies , Due To the Unemployment Lines !!!
Yeah, Jimmy Boy !!!
I agree with you James. There are enough public places with spots that can be used for installations and sculptures. However, there won't be anyone to offer this to you, oneself needs to have the initiative to propose something like this, as there is no cultural authority or institution to do these kind of things for the artists.
Damn right People, I Do not Think that People from around The Entire R.G.V. and specially Brownsville, care If they are Even Alive...That's is how mess up things around; For Real !!!
> Overall, There is a Lack Of True Leadership in Anything... They just rather stay Home and watch tv. and Just enjoy" The Good Life ". That's Because, Mostly come from Northern Mexico with a Humble and poor Background and this is an " Easy and Free PARADISE ".
No Hay Ganas
You all are so True, We live with a " Pobrecito de mi, and a one - Dollar store Mentallity Inferiority Complex ". So Our 'LEADERS' just Look Down, and Walk Away, Waiting For Somebody Else to Take advantage of Their Own Personal - Gains Agenda.....
I don't. I live in a city were back stabbing is a way of life and people say whatever the hell they want to. I live in a city were wrong is right and right is wrong. I live in city where anonymous rule the net and can say whatever they want. I live in a city where there are no pobrecitos only real men and women who belief they can fly. I live in a city where people hide but if they only knew, we can still see you...yes this is the city i live in. I know who you are, what your dreams and feaars are and most important, what makes you tic. My city....
Finally, Somebody With strong Character.
People of the valley I know are strong and down to earth. They keep their beliefs and know what hard work is. I do see kids with not enough outlets for their energy or creativity. I see cheap commercial alternatives of entertainment robbing them of their identity. Yeah, the world can be vicious but I have seen things that made me feel very alive and hopeful. Maurcio , I think you are right in taking the initiative.
J. Miller
Orale, What City?... This is an Ejido !!!
Jimmy Boy again You are right, but if our " Mexican - American Leaders " are Just a Bunch of " PUPPETS " that had always been Manipulated and Controlled by the Dominant Subculture...
Yeah Strong Enough , to do the Heavy - Duty work for all the Caucasians That Do not even Bother to do it.
Well if the you hold the belief that our leaders are puppets, do what artists do best and work with the people directly.
We want change? Then we , including myself, should be willing to donate time and talents to the public. Donate your time to working with your public libraries, parks,and schools. Organized professional exhibits could reflect pride of hertigage and hopes of future in the area we live. There is an incredible amount of talent in Brownsville and the rest of the valley. I think that the problem is that the people need to have more exposure to it. We need to bring art to the people in areas they go to. At this moment in time , galleries are not the place. So again, lets get ideas going to how we are going to change things for the better.
J. Miller
... And Good Luck , Locos !
Nowadays Only ONE, out of ONE Million Painters - Artists , Will Become Famous / Rich...
yes, but how many can really paint?
being famous and rich mean nothing!
what is important is how you will feel when you paint your last painting and reflect on your work. anything else is karma
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