Pintor - Franchute
visit website:A painting by Franchute can currently be seen on display as part of the permanent collection of the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art - 75 year exhibit celebration. Franchute had exhibited numerous times locally in solo and group shows at the Galeria 409 and also participated in Amigos Artistas - Art in the Park where he had also been awarded best of show...
The Art of Brownsville Notes : Deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of Franchute. Anyone wanting to share photos to add to this post, send them in to brownsvilleartform@yahoo.com.
This gentleman was a very serious and devoted painter. He believed in his work, and worked hard at it. He represented himself very well and was an asset to our artistic community. Those young painters who are looking for a role model would benefit by his sincerity, loyalty, and his humbleness to the area and his ability to enrich without ego.
Carlos G. Gomez
Gerardo de Leon, " Franchute "
Was also very Supportive of His family and the Entire border Art Community, He Will Be missed by all Whom He Touched ; by our Hearts, Eyes and Soul !!
He also deserves a Post Retrospective in Memoriam of Gerardo de Leon ' Franchute'.
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