Tony Munoz - Title:Hayla and Shatz Price:$10,000.
"The BMFA International Art Show is probably becoming, if not already the most prestigious show for local artist to enter and sum their artistic ability against each other and competitively against international entries."
This painting above by Tony Munoz was (hung at the entrance, right wall), in my opinion dominated the show with its striking aesthetic beauty. This classically well framed piece, I think it is just overall painting and presentation eye pleasing, an entry that really brings all to the table.. There is a sort of spoilness grin about the young girl as she gaze away from the viewer.. Rich dominant white and reds - vibrant plush of comfort settles you in the luxury sofa and comfort gold pillow.. The detail concentrated on the gold pillow which draws the viewer in, I think is just right..
Elisa Filippone - Title:"The girl from Paris" . Allot of character on this profile painting of a young girl. Photo realistic , the expression on the subject is very demanding, there is lose style about the sky blue head band which is almost too shimmering, as if aquatic, which takes away from the expressive eyes. Another piece that is complimented to an extent by the frame. I think several artist will question the idea of framing, but I think when it comes to a competition, I think you have to bring that extra edge to make it work in some cases.
Diana Karina Torres - "Enrique"- Price:$700 . At first glance I thought this piece was a painting by Rigoberto, to my surprise , it was not. The massive subject ponders about as he lays restlessly in bed. The black and white painting seems cold, unpleasing, the red blanket simply has no dominating color effect. This painting was hung left exiting the entrance, in between switches and alarm lights, which I think took from the painting. I enjoyed this piece.
Cristina Anzures - Title:Kiktapuk Princess from 3500 - $500. Here a style not much seen. The drawing on plexy glass seems digitally produced.
Adriana Cisneros - Title: Cesar - Price: $500.
Surreal - contemporary, very fresh, black and white photo, of a subject sparking a smoke. I think this piece seems to pay tribute to Americana, American pop culture- the bad boy image. Piece captures the viewers attention. You almost simply pause when you realize the man has only one eye. A distortion of reality. You can only wonder what is going on in this piece, which I think pulls the viewer in, which does the work much justice.
Something I have always noticed about , pencil drawings and water colors, they are always cast aside, never the center of attention of these types of shows. They are largely overlooked.. I think , they are accepted but not recognized as a major entry, which is something to think about. I think they should have a show of there own, in order to invest to there attention.
Teadoro Estrada - Title: The Visitor - $3,500 - This organic white spinal organism like hovers gently above the abstract carcass. I was actually intreged to learn Teadoro had produced this piece having seen much of his work on display in local shows, this piece cetainly was most impressive distintictive from his previouse work.. Again a peice which label and ribbon was tagged to the nose of the peice, making it an unpleasing sight to photograph, but certainly a congratulations winning "Honorable Mention".
One of the most upfront controversial pieces entered. The doll symbolically expresses border issues, in direct to the border laws and ideology towards pregnant immigrant woman. The rag doll sits almost gagged to silence, and paranoia, the viewer is summoned captive to the uncomfort.
This sculptor piece just did not look good on the floor.. Several pieces I noticed had the tag simply just taped on them taking away the aesthetic value.
This annual show has alot to offer, as art always does regardless of opinion. I think ,and it is clearly seen the BMFA continues to struggle without a Curator , which continues to hurt the museums credibility to push beyond local and international quality and excellence.