"Many thanks to everyone that has and continues to support the local art community. Sometimes it doesn't take words but a couple of pictures to note how the art scene has grown and or evolved throughout a short period of time. I always like to think and wonder that things have barely just begun.....I congratulate you and all your efforts to your art and or your support.." gt
Congratulations to everybody and eveyone, wherever you are, Keep up with all the great work !!
" If I have to be honest, I have to Bring bad News. The Bad News is that I Believe That an artist is an Artist Because He Chooses Not to tamper with reality; He Chooses not to better reality. The creative mind comes at a price, so ultimately, an Artist makes an ethical choice -
He Deals Not so much with the world of ideas, but with the world of forms, and the world of forms
does not makes Deals."
Francesco Clemente, Artist/ Painter
" Art Is Life ; Art is Love, art is Everything That Humans can Feel. Only art can save Human Kind from Self- destruction, But Can not Win, If People are Indifferent To their Message. It Can Be More Than just art, It Can be a Weapon. "
Nuno de Campo, Artist / Painter
ah humbuck, still very cool! alright claas: it is what each person makes it. each has a voice, and each has a right whether right wrong. that is what makes it what it is. clas over
How Come Brownsville has only One art Gallery and Mc Allen Like 10 ?
I Want to be an intellectual Artist, How can I better myself ?
We have one because....most of macallen's are part of a furniture store or a restuatant...those aren't galleires...the only true gallery is neuvo sandtader
hey the pics are great...which is what this seg is about, but if u want 2b an intellect, go to school, read as much as u can, learn to think for yourself, and learn 2 fight for your rights; both as a person and as an artist
Sorry, but It Just Shows How Sad things are around here.
then do somthing about it and stop crying about it
things are sad all over!
Why ?
because i am alive....i want my mame
Yes, But Why dude ?
Mine is Eddie Ybarra.
Vote For Eduardo Ibarra,...Bola de Huevones.!!!
What and Why ??
Estan pero Bien Cabezudos !!!
I thought it was the art of BROWN-ville, whats with the others here. Do you thing they would give a hoot about you, the others? I would like to see a blog mission statement. So far it is capirutada...yea my spanish sucks.
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