The 'Arts Versus Crafts' Debate
According to the traditional theory of art, there is a basic difference between an 'art' and a 'craft'. Put simply, although both activities involve creative skills, the former involves a higher degree of intellectual involvement. Under this analysis, a basket-weaver (say) would be considered a craftsperson, while a bag-designer would be considered an artist. In this rather artificial distinction between arts and crafts, functionality is a key factor. Thus, a jeweller who designs and makes non-functional items like rings or necklaces would be considered an artist, while a watchmaker would be a craftsperson; someone who makes glass might be a craftsman, but a person who makes stained glass is an artist. The idea is that artists are somehow superior because they 'create' things of beauty, while craftsmen perform repetitive or purely functional actions. There may be some truth behind this theory, but many types of craftsmanship seem no different to genuine art. An example perhaps, is a cartoonist-animator, exployed to draw thousands of similar pictures of a cartoon character like 'Charlie Brown'. True, his 'art' is purely functional and highly commercial, but no one could deny he was an artist.
The Impact of the Renaissance on the Western Concept of Art
In general, until the early Renaissance of the 15th century, all artists were considered tradesmen/craftsmen. Even the greatest painters like Giotto, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael were seen as no more than skilled workers, while master sculptors like Donatello were seen as mere specialist stone-cutters and bronze metalworkers. Indeed, it was Leonardo's and Michelangelo's stated aim to raise the level of the artist to that of a profession - an ambition which was duly realized in 1561 with the founding of the first Art Academy in Florence, which was set up to train people in the profession of drawing (disegno).
However, although Renaissance artists succeeded in raising their craft to the level of a profession, they defined art as an essentially intellectual activity. This fixed Renaissance idea of art being primarily an intellectual discipline was passed on down the centuries and still influences present day conceptions of the meaning of art. Despite some modifications, as exemplified by changes in art school curricula, fine art still maintains its notional superiority over crafts such as applied and decorative arts. lean,drink your milk and go to sleep thinking of wonderfull things my child....
TAOB NOTES: Many thanks for you contribution......

"There is certainly an arguable difference between original fine art and crafted art. Some people may not know the difference or simply not care which is which, some may argue the idea that art is still art."
"There is I think an obviouse symbolic importance of owning art that not necessarily everyone is willing to experience or invest in." gt
Craft is Mass - Produced by ARTISANS ... Art is Created by ARTISANS / PAINTERS.
I remmber when I was in College, my Art teacher Always used to said That; in order for the world to understand and Distinguised All Artists and Painters from Simply Artisans; Was by How Many Degrees They Pocessed , but also to their Artistic credentials; Like Were Had He Have been Exhibiting and at What countries .
more bull
who did the monster on the header?
Craft is Cheap Stuff and " Flea Market Crap " Bougth by uneducated Cheap Stakes ... While Art is High- Value and Respected, Bougth By Art Collectors; From Businessmen, Doctors, Lawyers, Other Painters,etc., etc..!!!
> and That's NO Bull...."
nope, your wrong
The 'Arts Versus Crafts' Debate
According to the traditional theory of art, there is a basic difference between an 'art' and a 'craft'. Put simply, although both activities involve creative skills, the former involves a higher degree of intellectual involvement. Under this analysis, a basket-weaver (say) would be considered a craftsperson, while a bag-designer would be considered an artist. In this rather artificial distinction between arts and crafts, functionality is a key factor. Thus, a jeweller who designs and makes non-functional items like rings or necklaces would be considered an artist, while a watchmaker would be a craftsperson; someone who makes glass might be a craftsman, but a person who makes stained glass is an artist. The idea is that artists are somehow superior because they 'create' things of beauty, while craftsmen perform repetitive or purely functional actions. There may be some truth behind this theory, but many types of craftsmanship seem no different to genuine art. An example perhaps, is a cartoonist-animator, exployed to draw thousands of similar pictures of a cartoon character like 'Charlie Brown'. True, his 'art' is purely functional and highly commercial, but no one could deny he was an artist.
The Impact of the Renaissance on the Western Concept of Art
In general, until the early Renaissance of the 15th century, all artists were considered tradesmen/craftsmen. Even the greatest painters like Giotto, Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael were seen as no more than skilled workers, while master sculptors like Donatello were seen as mere specialist stone-cutters and bronze metalworkers. Indeed, it was Leonardo's and Michelangelo's stated aim to raise the level of the artist to that of a profession - an ambition which was duly realized in 1561 with the founding of the first Art Academy in Florence, which was set up to train people in the profession of drawing (disegno).
However, although Renaissance artists succeeded in raising their craft to the level of a profession, they defined art as an essentially intellectual activity. This fixed Renaissance idea of art being primarily an intellectual discipline was passed on down the centuries and still influences present day conceptions of the meaning of art. Despite some modifications, as exemplified by changes in art school curricula, fine art still maintains its notional superiority over crafts such as applied and decorative arts. lean,drink your milk and go to sleep thinking of wonderfull things my child....
My Art Teacher was rigth, He said that people that are Envious, Insecured and Jealous ... They will always May try to copy Your Artwork,and only will do Things for their own advantage, is that still True Here in Brownsville ???
"My Art Teacher was rigth, He said that people that are Envious, Insecured and Jealous ... They will always May try to copy Your Artwork,and only will do Things for their own advantage, is that still True Here in Brownsville ???"
what in the world are you writing about?
I am just an E.M.O. Artist/ Painter
wow, u are all 3...impressive
My Middle School Art Teacher was also right, when he said that; People from Brownsville Lack any Pride are Happy anf Glad to follow orders, Like Speacking a foreign Language; The English One, Impossed and Forced By R.G.Valley Outsiders !!! I Wonder.
We all Should Wonder, If Brownsville is The Most Mexican - American Place in the Whole U.S.A. and Nobody cares or Knows about usWe are look Down as a 4th Class Citizens and We Really Own nothing and have a Mediocre and Hybrid Subculture.
I wonder What is the name of your Middle School Teacher !?!
art is like the wind, it stinks sometimes and is fresh at other times. both fine art and crafts, share this. what matters is the rationale to explain each and put it in their proper context. as a valleyide, i grew up in this mix artistic culture where craft is art and art is craft. i see both as legit and both have a place in history. what is lackying is the educatioanl aspect of art as a cultural beacon that can be defined as the visual art...chew on this and get back to me when you understand the history of art and it evolution macaron1
thank you
I Said, Very Nice !
then muchas thank yous
Da Nenkiu !
you think so?
Mr. Rogers was Right; People around here are so Naive and Lazy...They rather Buy Cheap stuff at the Dollar Store to Decorate their Homes and Get Food stamps intead of working Hard !!!
i think that is all over...been to NY latey? how aboutyou how much art have you bought?
Art and Craft: Both are Excellent forms of Artistic Expressions and feelings , Done By Human Beigns !!!
" All Artworks are my Passion. I want to be Remenber as a Person who created , who used all of his Resources for the advancement of the Visual arts. I am an Artists, I can only assure one Thing; Everybody will be touched by the arts in One or many ways..."
Vito Acconci, Intallation Artist
getting boring with the qoutes....say something original
Lets Have a New set of Artists / Painters Meetings with The Upcoming Year. Friends Lets Get to Work and Keep on Going forward !
Ok where do you live at, yoou provide the beer
Call at This Number ( 956 ) %%! - !&%%
i thought so
What Kind Of Sick Joke This Is ?
Did You All Hear the Latests News About Barry Horn... Things Are Coming to Light and It's Starting To Get Very Ugly !!!
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