Untitled by Gabriel Trevino
mix media
4' x 5'
email: brownsvilleartform@yahoo.com
The views expressed in comments published on The Art of Brownsville Blog are those of the comment writers alone. They do not represent the views or opinions of The Art of Brownsville Blog administrator or any other people listed on this site. Comments were automatically posted live up to 2011, however The Art of Brownsville Blog reserves the right to take down comments at anytime. BROWNSVILLE TEXAS
One of the reasons that us who live on the border, and as much as We try and Tried to improve the Arts and Culture, some things will never really are going to change, for one our Cursed Mexican - American " Crab Game " ( Pulling someone from their feets, whenever He / She Is beign Successive or Making it in the " Real world" ). We have so much resentment Against both cultures, lack real Courage to do Things and to overcome our diferences with the Dominant Anglo - Caucasian Culture.
I rally dislike the idea of doing an Art exhibit, going with the traditional " old School of exhibiting" with Series and Evry art piece has to ralater to each other... I believe that is the most Boring Art and Uncreative Artwork for an intellectual and Imaginative Artist , Painter !!!
Untitled by Gabriel Trevino
Good use of primary and complementary color. Has a cubist
( particulary Braque ) feeling to it, but overlapping of color schemes and shapes takes it to another level. Good Size.
This reminds me of your other paintings you exhibited at Thres Pintores Exhibit. Is this one after the exhibit or a piece you chose not to include int he group work?
J. Miller
Recent painting of the past two weeks......gt
I Like it a lot !
It is a Cubist Piece, 100 years later since Cubism Was really Developed By Diego Rivera ,and Not by Pablo Picasso and Braque or Juan Gris... As the Art books want Us to be "Brainwashed" believe them.
You are Actually Right... Diego Rivera Invented Cubism !!!
Diego Rivera did experiment in Paris with cubism but he did not invent cubism. Parisian writers,painters, and poets regarded "primitive art" from Africa as a way to associate themselves with thier raw emotions. Braque could really be considered the creator of cubism and Picasso the spokesperson for the "new vision". Picasso's personality was aligned to the push of new thought in society from intellectual circles.
Diego Rivera's work is well crafted and planned. I was lucky to see his work in Mexico City and a few here and there in the U.S.
It would be nice to see exhibits in the valley worth the price of admission. I recently visited Dallas Museum of Fine Art and spent at least 4 hours there and still didn't get to see it all.
J. MIller
Why did the comment got Deleted, This is AMERIKA... OUR FIRST AMMENDMENT Responds, Supports ans Defends all of Its First - class Citizens , I want an Explanation, Of Why I am Beign Censored !!!
J. Miller, Can you please Tell Wich Art gallery from Mc Allen is Willing to Exhibit artwork from Brownsville? Any Clue is Good .
I am no spokesperson for McAllen art scene, but Manichaus was willing to give me a show after an initial portfoilo showing. I declined because it also required me to participate in critiques. Like I told the gallery owner Omar, I am a person who makes rather than talks. Don't get me wrong, his request was fair.
He runs a business and needs artists/artwork that he can market well. I believe he has also included several artists from Brownsville , Cande Aguilar, Mark Clark,and one other that works as a mortician.
I originally wanted to work with Antinori on a McAllen exhibit but never got my painting series finished, maybe by next summer if he is still up to it.
I don't think that McAllen is the answer for Brownsville artists. Artists should support each other through this website and find ways of bringing the art to the people.
One valley artist that I admire is Rene Z. Garza. He doesn't wait for some gallery to approve his art, he is creative enough to make his opportunities.
J. Miller
Bottom line is that if you want an opportunity , work on it and find something else if they say no.
Manichaus gallery!?
Manichaus, library, in the street blocking traffic, whatever it takes... Happy Holidays to art of Brownsville and my best to all my ghosts of the past who reside there. Merry Christmas to you all, Gomez, Schlight, Andres, Noel, Maggie, Frank, Norma, Peter, Victor and the rest whom I respect.
Best to you and your family Gabriel.
J. Miller
Are You talking about the Mc Allen Art, That is done Every first friday of the Month?
. How Do That Works?
. Do Artists really sell Any artwork pieces, is it Worth it?
It Looks More Like a Chaotic"Pulga"
"Do Artists really sell Any artwork pieces, is it Worth it?"
oh do they really buy art there, do they sell everything and everone makes money. oh i want to be part of that so much, iwish i lived in mcallen!
Yes , I Believe Mc Allen is So much Better than Brownsville, Over there , people in general, are better Educated , Artistic Developed and well Traveled... Here In Browntown all We have is Fajitas and " COCONUTS " !!!
Please Explain What or Whom are COCONUTS ??
--dumb remark, artistic developed...what the hell does this mean?
--the three cities with the greatest educated populations are;, BROWWNVILLE, EDINBURG, AND HARLINGEN, McAllen is fourth!
--well traveled? gee most reservations at the largest airport are made from people from from the lower valley
--no we have chicken, fish, pork and dumb people like you!
--Yes we have coconuts at almost all produce stores. good observation...oh, your being a racist sarcastic jerk. don't you think that by thinking like that it makes you like that too?
--you sound chafas pan con carne
Why? It is The Plain Truth !!!
But of Course My Little GrassHoper.
Is Cubic Art really about our most intimate Feelings toward a Person that We Love, but are afraid to Express it??
for some it might
My Art teacher Still Says that Art is really about selling beautyful paintings, something Safe and commercial... If You Want to Survive Here In This Small Mentallity Town, You Should Paint Charro Days Stuff and Rose Flowers.
whats wrong with that?
Its very 1970's...It Sucks big Time !!!
gee, something has to suck, not everything can be great. i see nothing of the 70's in that work. more like early studies of mexican cubism. GT has always had that element in his work. maybe if yoiu define and explain, that coulf=d help your thesis
Rigth, I will always try to Work from the Front and Back, I do My Work as I Please, I Don't Follow rules... I will Paint Forever and ever !!!
that a ruleyou just made up for yourself macaron
I am The King of the world !
king macaron...sounds good
I Love Tacos and fajitas !!
I Respect Your Oppinions and Commentaries, Please I want to be Your Best Friend...Very Sorry If I ever Offended Anybody's Feelings and/or Integrity , Real Sorry !
" Art was meant to be Admired, We artists are to blame for our own Misconception of Art. I Will not Rest any more day of my life to make people see that art is More Than Art; It is a tool of Communication, a tool to Construct and not To Destroy, I Will "
Nadir Afonso Rodrigues, Geometric - Abstractionist Artist/ Painter
no money and fame are to blame...before you make such a statment you need to define art and then apply it to your point of view. when you destroy you construct...simple concept
" Art Can only Be Explained by the Purpose of Reconstructing a new concept of Beauty, Ideas and Feelings. My Art Is Minimal, direct and to a specific group of today's global World, Tomorrow I Will die, but my Art will always survived. I can Only describe Art as a New Media of communication, Art can be Misintreped by many ; if We Artists / Painters Do not Defend its bare core. "
Felix Gonzalez -Torres, Installation, Conceptualist ,Performance and Postminimalistic Artist.(1957 -1987)
I Believe Felix Gonzalez - Torres Died In 1997, in New York city , from AIDS.
Now, The M.oM.A. Has a Foundation For the Arts , Under his Name.
he died of aids!!!!!!!
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