Dreams Can Become Nightmares
This is the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art at 6Th and Ringgold. This beautiful building has been open for about four years. It stands here because of a few ladies who got together in 1935 to paint as a group. They first met in homes and then acquired the old morgue at Fort Brown as a meeting place. Later the Neale family donated the historic home of William Neale to the group )then chartered as the Brownsville Art League )as a meeting place. Later an Art Museum was constructed beside the Neale House near the levee of the Rio Grande River. The Neale House and the old museum now belongs to the University of Texas at Brownsville.
Past Board of Directors planned this new building and raised funds from many local donors as well as obtaining a large mortgage
This beautiful new building has a huge catering kitchen which is not in use.
This beautiful new building had a large gift shop area which is now closed.
This beautiful new building does not have a loading dock to receive large artworks for display.
This beautiful new building does not have a driveway anyway near the front steps/ramp for handicapped access.
This beautiful new building has no classroom, workshop or storage space for working artist members!
I have belonged to this organization for over 20 years and have been the membership chairman for many few years and find it almost impossible to believe the situation we are in today At the present we have classroom and open studio space at the beautiful new building in one small room which is the Children's Art Gallery. We have no running water in this room, no storage space for supplies, no area available for our matcutter, teaching mirror, still life setup items or a printing press.
The voices of the working artsits were not heard by the past Board's of Directors or the Architect of this beautiful new building even though we are the core organization.
Beware art organizations. Don't dream so big that your dreams become nightmares!
Anonymous said...
Hello Marilyn, you have voiced the concerns of many of Brownsville's artists! I know I tried personally to make a difference and at least have the empty gift shop to use, however I was told the BMFA could rent the space out for classroom/conference space. It's become what can we ,as artists, do "now" for the BMFA; they want/need our dollars, but where is our studio space? where IS our workroom?...and most important of all ... do they really believe that the building is handicap accessible for working artists? I guess that's it in a nutshell, they really didn't plan on having working artists. I am heartsick over what has happened to the Brownsville Art League.
TAOB NOTES: Very interesting post by Marylin.....I hadn't seen your blog until just recently... I think all artist and community is concern for the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art. I strongly hope that everyone that gets a chance to get out there and support , or do volunteer work.. The current exhibition is worth the trip from where ever your coming from...
SUPPORT THE BROWNSVILLE MUSEUM OF FINE ART... VISIT and become a member click link below :
Dreams Can Become Nightmares
This is the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art at 6Th and Ringgold. This beautiful building has been open for about four years. It stands here because of a few ladies who got together in 1935 to paint as a group. They first met in homes and then acquired the old morgue at Fort Brown as a meeting place. Later the Neale family donated the historic home of William Neale to the group )then chartered as the Brownsville Art League )as a meeting place. Later an Art Museum was constructed beside the Neale House near the levee of the Rio Grande River. The Neale House and the old museum now belongs to the University of Texas at Brownsville.
Past Board of Directors planned this new building and raised funds from many local donors as well as obtaining a large mortgage
This beautiful new building has a huge catering kitchen which is not in use.
This beautiful new building had a large gift shop area which is now closed.
This beautiful new building does not have a loading dock to receive large artworks for display.
This beautiful new building does not have a driveway anyway near the front steps/ramp for handicapped access.
This beautiful new building has no classroom, workshop or storage space for working artist members!
I have belonged to this organization for over 20 years and have been the membership chairman for many few years and find it almost impossible to believe the situation we are in today At the present we have classroom and open studio space at the beautiful new building in one small room which is the Children's Art Gallery. We have no running water in this room, no storage space for supplies, no area available for our matcutter, teaching mirror, still life setup items or a printing press.
The voices of the working artsits were not heard by the past Board's of Directors or the Architect of this beautiful new building even though we are the core organization.
Beware art organizations. Don't dream so big that your dreams become nightmares!
Anonymous said...
Hello Marilyn, you have voiced the concerns of many of Brownsville's artists! I know I tried personally to make a difference and at least have the empty gift shop to use, however I was told the BMFA could rent the space out for classroom/conference space. It's become what can we ,as artists, do "now" for the BMFA; they want/need our dollars, but where is our studio space? where IS our workroom?...and most important of all ... do they really believe that the building is handicap accessible for working artists? I guess that's it in a nutshell, they really didn't plan on having working artists. I am heartsick over what has happened to the Brownsville Art League.
TAOB NOTES: Very interesting post by Marylin.....I hadn't seen your blog until just recently... I think all artist and community is concern for the Brownsville Museum of Fine Art. I strongly hope that everyone that gets a chance to get out there and support , or do volunteer work.. The current exhibition is worth the trip from where ever your coming from...
SUPPORT THE BROWNSVILLE MUSEUM OF FINE ART... VISIT and become a member click link below :
A Bunch of Old Rucas...that's all!!
They deserve To be Where They are...They always Thoutgh of Themselves Special, Above and Superior than the rest of Us !!!
explain, both of u
Typical of the ELITE, contolling the poor.
yes they do...shame thou
Better Yet, The Powerful...Always Oppressing The Powerless and poor !!!
you said that already
Really...When, HOME BOY ??
all over
Oh No !!! What's wrong with Me ?
I Want To Change and be a Positive Role Model, Please Lets all Write Positive and Great Reviews in This Amazing TAOB Blog.
" Since the beginning of Time, Men and Women had expressed their Life's experiences with life. No it's Time for all of Us Artists / Painters to Continue our Great Experience, Sometimes people will challenge us, Who will create not only art , but life itself and Art will always exist as Long as Men and Women are Willing to Contemplate Art with a Fresh Eye."
Tim Burton, Movie Director, Postmodern Artist /Painter and Art Collecto
" We are Artists / Painters are Not " Playing God " when We do Art, But We Create something from Something esle, The process is more than just our creativity, imagination, or commercial gain. Our Philosiphy as Artists / Painters in this small world, Is to Focus are efforts for the Understanding of all Human Races; our love for each other and our acceptance for all of Us, if We want to Believe in Ourselves."
Nacho Cano; Musician, Electro Instalation/conceptualist and Modern Artist / Painter
too heavy on the rightious crap...i say kick ass and wake people up
too heavy on the rightious crap...i say kick ass and wake people up
But, Why ?
Do They Really Care, I Wonder, My Friend.
that is the point...simple
Thanks, You are Clever and I Trully , Trully Respect You and all Of Your Opinions and Comentaries.
Are All The B.I.S.D. Art Teachers Artists / Painters Like The Rest of Us; Who Take Risks, Challenges, and All the Heat... Or are They just so Tired of Schooling Kiddos to continue Doing Their Great Art, Like When They were on College ?
Maybe, Why?
no, most just eat and watch tv
Es Todo !
They need To get a Life !! Quickly!
that is their life!
and soon it will be your!
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