Two new art outreach projects under my belt...
I won't elaborate for now...
don't want to jinx anything...
But for sure here is some stuff I am ready to talk about.
I am poor. I am an artist. I am not starving..expect maybe for some Austin Kerby Lane gueso (hmmm...) but I am close to not being able to go to the movies 16 atleast once a week (as Brownsville tradition goes for most people here)..Discount Movies 10 will be my new got to movie home.
So if anyone needs an artist or wants to buy some art cheap...I am your go to artist!
Oh and I also want to be a cobbler's apprentice! I want to learn how to fix shoes, atleast until I can go and learn how to make them in Italy. Then my friend Susan and I will go on to conquer the shoes and accesssories (or as we like to call it shoe and purse) world and give Louis Vuitton and Manolo Blahnik a run for their stilletos.
I also have a lot of stuff to catch up on...but the self loathing, feeling sorry for yourself, recent college graduate who can't find a job, seen every episode of Lizzie McGuire lifestyle has caught up with me. I recently had an interview but it went bad when I went into a coughing fit mid-interview. I have been sick for about two weeks now and have had 5 shots (big ol' Mexican needle ones with oil based liquids! Major Freaking Ouch!), yet no final clearance from sporadic coughing fits. My mom will be closing the family business pretty soon too. A bittersweetness lingers through out our days. So here is my plan:
1. Stop making excuses....as I have done so in the paragraph above
2. If I cannot find a job by the end of this month, apply for the Teaching Sequence at UT-Brownsville
3. Help my mom out as much as possible to make the transition from business owner to real estate investor
4. Have a garage sale! YAY! That means finally clearing out the den of my piles and boxes of college stuff
5. Jog in the mornings...I can't afford a gym membership yet and traffic sucks. I think I can jog within the time it would take me to get to the gym and back driving in Brownsville
6. Work on my projects..that I will not elaborate on...
7. Work on my art, try to exhibit and sell it
8. Finish up paperwork and correspodence
9. Give our dog Curly a much needed bath and haircut
10. Clean my cat Leo's litterbox
11. Clean my room
12. Mow the lawn
13. Clean my car
14. Cook dinner more often and perfect my mother's fidello
15. Write a story or column
16. Become a cobbler's apprentice
15 steps to my goal...my goal being a better life...
Ah! Why does the better life require so many steps...let's face it I think our pets have it made.
without an ounce of work, they have acquired lives with no credible conscience to burden them in air conditioned homes, free meals and water, lots of attention and get don't have to clean up their own bowel movements. Now that is living.