This is the stencil as it can be seem from the corner 7th st. and Levee.
Here is a close up of the stencil.
David and I were arguing if the face was that of a woman or man. He insisted it was a man due to the short hair but to me the facial features are suspiciously feminine (check out the smokey eyes) if not atleast boy-ish. Now that I look at it more, the face sports a resemblance to Eddie Munster of The Munsters or even Speed Racer. Oh well, I don't know who this tagger may be but I was defintely suprised to see this style of graffiti in Brownsville.
Does anyone have any clues to what this graffiti is about? Or could it be a UTB art student using up the last of their Spring semester supplies? Coming from an art school background I feel this tag has more artistic motive behind it than some territorial marker and has been made by someone with art background if not by an art student. For one thing, it brings fine art into question just by invoking a Pop Art style. What do you all think? I wonder if the bank has plans to remove it or if anyone has noticed it?
wow. that is pretty amazing. it looks like a boy to me.
It's Audrey Hepburn, Mayra! I saw this tag like 2 months ago mostly around the downtown area where our friend lives ;o)
I then started seeing all around Brownsville, one on southmost and another on billy mitchell. I was amazed to see it on Southmost!
What a mystery! :o)
It is Audrey Hepburn, circa Roman Holiday I think! This is definitely a clue. I am going to do some more research on this and I will get back to you all on this.
A mystery indeed!
Jinkies! What a scoop!
Quick, scoobies, to the Mystery Machine!
Totally Hepburn.
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